Census of India 2001-- State wise population totals
with percentage of Urban population (Provisional)


State  Population  Male  Female Urban
1 Jammu and Kashmir 10069917 5300574 4769343 24.85
2 Himachal Pradesh 6077248 3085256 2991992 9.79
3 Punjab 24289296 12963362 11325934 33.95
4 Chandigarh 900914 508224 392690 89.78
5 Uttaranchal 8479562 4316401 4163161 25.59
6 Haryana 21082989 11327658 9755331 29.00
7 Delhi 13782976 7570890 6212086 93.01
8 Rajasthan 56473122 29381657 27091465 23.38
9 Uttar Pradesh 166052859 87466301 78586558 20.78
10 Bihar 82878796 43153964 39724832 10.47
11 Sikkim 540493 288217 252276 11.10
12 Arunachal Pradesh 1091117 573951 517166 20.41
13 Nagaland 1988636 1041686 946950 17.74
14 Manipur 2388634 1207338 1181296 23.88
15 Mizoram 891058 459783 431275 49.50
16 Tripura 3191168 1636138 1555030 17.02
17 Meghalaya 2306069 1167840 1138229 19.63
18 Assam 26638407 13787799 12850608 12.72
19 West Bengal 80221171 41487694 38733477 28.03
20 Jharkhand 26909428 13861277 13048151 22.25
21 Orissa 36706920 18612340 18094580 14.97
22 Chhatisgarh 20795956 10452426 10343530 20.08
23 Madhya Pradesh 60385118 31456873 28928245 26.67
24 Gujarat 50596992 26344053 24252939 37.35
25 Daman & Diu 158059 92478 65581 36.26
26 Dadra & Nagar Haveli 220451 121731 98720 22.89
27 Maharashtra 96752247 50334270 46417977 42.40
28 Andhra Pradesh 75727541 38286811 37440730 27.08
29 Karnataka 52733958 26856343 25877615 33.98
30 Goa 1343998 685617 658381 49.47
31 Lakshadweep 60595 31118 29477 44.47
32 Kerala 31838619 15468664 16369955 25.97
33 Tamil Nadu 62110839 31268654 30842185 43.86
34 Pondicherry 973829 486705 487124 66.57
35 Andaman & Nicobar Islands* 356265 192985 163280 32.67
  INDIA Total  1027015247 531277078 495738169  27.78

 India Summary     Midyear Calculations
Sex Ratio        Population Growth
Literacy     Population Density